Get personalized answers to your pet questions

We've all been there.

It’s 12 AM and you just have to know why your cat does that one weird thing sometimes and now, here you are, Googling late into the night for answers. But you just can’t find your answer, or at the very least, not a satisfying one.

“Never mind, I found the answer elsewhere.” (but I won’t share it here)

“My friend’s cousin’s cat used to blink and it ended up being cancer.”

My friend’s cousin’s cat used to blink and they lived to be 73 years old.”

Got questions?

How often should I brush my cat?

Why does my cat eat grass?

How long do cats live on average?

... We've got answers!

so let us help you

Our advisors are here to give you a personalized answer tailored to you, your cat, and your exact situation (and the way they do or don’t blink). Don’t rely on random Internet posts from random Internet strangers and don’t settle for unsatisfying answers. Contact us today to get started.